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easy and delicious protein bowl snack


For this you will need a bowl, plain or vanilla yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips or granola. Take a cup or 1/2 a cup of plain, or vanilla yogurt. Then put in a tablespoon of peanut butter. After that put a small drizzle of honey. Get any type of protein powder, my protein  is cookies and cream, and take a half scoop and put it in the bowl.

next throw in a tablespoon of chocolate chips, or some granola. This is great for post workout, and snacking.

Preparing your body for a tournament 

The week of an upcoming tournament can be stressful because of all the work and preparation you have to do. But when it comes to health we have you covered. Make sure every night that week, you try to get 9-10 hours of sleep, and maybe nap if you want to. Make sure you are getting plenty of hydration but not over hydrating. I know you probably know this, but try and eat healthier than normal during that week, and also stretch  for 5-10 minutes each day, and during the tournament. In my opinion, nap at least once a day during those tournament days, and stay away from candy. Also to add, make sure you are not doing any intense workouts to where you are sour 2 days or less before the games.

Healthy snacks you can pack

I prefer to pack a variety of snacks no just protein. For the protein area, pack peanuts, maybe a few kind bars, and protein shakes. For hydration, make sure of course to pack tons of water, and also pack Bio Steel and Prime. For other things you can pack, I would also try getting some carbs in, so maybe some pretzels and hummus, or if you can even some veggies and dip. When it comes to meals, it depends on what type of healthy foods you want to get into your body. If your a guy who wants many carbs and not to much heavy food, I prefer any type of pasta you want, mac and cheese, EXT... If you're a guy who wants tons of veggies and protein, try and eat tons of chicken and cooked veggies, and to go with it Chipotle Mexican grille does just that.

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