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Off ice and why it is important


Off ice in hockey is key for high level players. There is a huge difference between a player who does off ice and a player who doesn't do off ice. Off ice can help you on your edges and speed. It also helps you on your core strength and balance which is also key in hockey, and I also want to point out how often you should do a workout. I also prefer you workout 2-3 times a week for a high level player. If your team does off ice and you don't like it then search up great work outs for hockey players and tons of stuff will come up. Recovery is also key in off ice. If you are sore and can't work out, try stretching, using a thragun, going on a stationary bike, or taking an ice bath can help.

Hockey Nutrition for high level players


Balancing your nutrition is hard with school, and tons of hockey. But try to put more effort into what you pack for lunch and eat for snacks. A basic lunch for nutrition is always to have a veggie, a protein, a carb or something else. If you try to keep that you'll be a better hockey player.

Now also if you're a kid and it's the weekend  with no hockey, and your friends invite you to eat ice cream do it. Have some fun sometimes, you're a kid. But if you put more effort into snacks, packed lunches, and break feast you can be a way better player than you were before if you train hard. 

Try to create a hockey habit each day


You may already have something like this but today I am going to explain how to create different types of hockey habits. Ok so the first and easiest one is to try to shoot pucks in the driveway at least once a day. Your hands and shot will improve  a lot more than if you just sit on your but. Alright next is a chart  in which you plan each day in hockey, for example, Monday dry land, tuesday lesson, Wednesday off day + shoot some pucks, Thursday Hockey Practice, Friday chill. If you follow that chart you will be very well done in hockey. And that is just  for the season so no saying you can do whatever you want in the summer which is what I would do. But those were some habits I try to follow so if you liked them and they work let me know and I can do some more things like this for you.  

How to skate like MacKinnon and McDavid










Keys to be a great player


A great player doesn't just mean you play like a great player it means your effort in almost everything is outstanding. 1. Great players take all practices and games very seriously. 2. They also focus and give effort in team workouts, Film, and of course they do well in school. I think about 60% of Really good players think they are the best and don't work hard in school and are kinda knuckle heads in my opinion. But the ones who focus and give effort in life will have a very long future in hockey.


Good kids who play hockey have a longer future than those who are not that good of a kid.If you are reading this and you are a player we want you to be, than that means to keep bustin your ass and stay like that. 

Life and hockey go along way together.

How to make your shot faster and better.

For starters your shot isn't what GOD gave you, it is your wrist and how much you practice it. So I am going to teach you how to improve your shot. 1. try changing the angle and digging your leg more into the shot. If you twist your leg and put your body into it, your shot will be a little faster than it was. 2. quick release. If you can wip your shot quicker that will be a nightmare to goalies. A quick release  can just be an unexpected shot, or you can do the steps I said in the first part really quick.

click on the link below to watch Itrainhockey teach you ways to improve your shot.








How to handle a tough loss when it mostly wasn't your fault.

in hockey if one person messes up you all mess up, and the same thing in a game. Today I just played a game where my line was giving up no goals and we scored all the goals but we got beat 7-3. This is when you just keep doing your job and lift and encourage your teammates. If you did nothing but your team lost  it's all on the whole team and that is what makes a true team. If the coach said, you know what you guys don't have to skate you did fine that coach is BS. Even the best players in the world had to deal with this. You just have to learn to be a team player.


Hockey tournaments 

Most hockey tournaments are Friday-Sunday which is pretty long if you pretty much play 2 games every day. Well for starters we are going to give you tips on how to stay fresh during these weekends. 1. Get as much rest in the car ride up and in the hotel. If you take a nap every single day of the torney you will be the most ready person on team.2. Eat healthy if you go out to a team lunch or dinner just make sure you get some type of salad or something. 3. Drink lots and lots of water. Water is the most important thing on this list you have to drink much more water than you normally do. Drink plane water but also drink gatorades and drinks that give you electrolites. And finally#4 don't mess around the hotel lobby and do stuff like that. No pool, No hide and seek. If you avoid that crap you will have a better game on the ice since you were not wasting energy.


Inline hockey

Inline hockey is at it's very best at time's right now. For hockey player's roller hockey is a miracle for us. When you don't have ice at your house you can still skate, with roller blades at least. Inline hockey has gone up a lot this decade. People have created leagues and national teams. The top roller blades right now are Mar's Blades. No they don't make regular hockey skates but they make roller blades  just like skates. CCM and Buaer are the biggest in roller blades besides Mar's Blades. Inline hockey is just like hockey so if you can't skate try roller blading.


What team should I play for?

Kids always want to play for the best team in town even though they are not good enough and don't have any friends. The thing is the team you should go to or stay on is the team you know, well I mean if you know the coaches really well and have lot's of friends go  to that team. Your team shouldn't be the best in town and you have nobody you know of and the coaches are mean. The team you pick should be the team you know.

There are like 4 teams in town where I have friends, it is about which one you think is best for you. That is just simple mental hockey 101 so if you knew this cool if you don't keep that in mind, cause it will always have a rule in life.


Your hockey training schedule 

Your hockey training schedule should  have breaks. For example my schedule is Monday practice, Tuesday practice, Wednesday off day/ workout, Thursday practice, Friday free day. And then of course games on the weekends. But the point is you should do some type of training almost every day. But you cannot do it 5 times 24/7 365. You will get burned out and get tired of playing hockey. Let me tell you the story of a hockey player who didn't do what I said. Connor play's hockey every day. He get's up plays, eats lunch at school, goes to the rink, finishes school goes to the rink. 5 years later Connor was getting tired of doing the same thing every day and not getting enough sleep. He quit hockey and never played again.

That shows that hockey can't be everything you do you have to focus on family and friends and other things but you still should train hard for hockey.


A hockey forecheck.

The point of  a forecheck is to put pressure on the other team. If you do this it doesn't mean your gonna have them turn the puck over every time, it is to make sure they don't have all the time in the world and to make the mess up so you get the puck. The most simple forecheck is the one we have showed, if you are a new hockey player, keep that in mind, but a long time player we will post different harder forechecks...


Simple hockey recovery and nutrition.


To play hockey you have to eat healthy, this isn't baseball where you can drink coke in the doug out. You have to have the right armor. What I like to do every meal either if it is healthy or not is make sure I always have a veggie, a fruit a protein or carb. If you have that mindset every meal you will be fine. But snacks are different. In every snack their should always be protein. I always have a smoothie, a protein yogurt or a shake.

Those thing will help your body and give good armor. After every time you work out drink lots and lots of water. Water is the number one thing athletes have to use. Drink lots of it every day and you will be a awesome hockey player.

A simple Regroup
in hockey.

The hockey regroup in hockey is used in hockey as a way to regroup the team to get everybody onsides. Or just a short way to break the puck out. This can be done many different ways. #1 just have the D in the regroup go D T D and give it to the closest forward. #2 the forwards loop around and switch sides and the Defenseman passes it. Sometimes there is only one D to break it out which is a shorter break out. Look at the pic and examine it to see.


#1 way to  make the NHL

There are many ways to make the NHL but this rule has to apply.

The rule is you have to love the game. You can't not like the game that much even if you are good and expect to make the NHL. And you have to love working hard, or doing that boring stuff in practice. Being  a good teammate always counts. You have to get good grades, love the game and earn it. People have always asked this question. Only the great ones can answer it the right way. If you asked some people they might just say you have to be really good, well Jhonny gudreau was a 2 star recruit

going into highschool and now is a top notch player. The only reason he made it was that he loved the game to the bottom of his heart.​


Tips on how to stay calm in a game


Every hockey game is going to have a time where it is hard to stay calm, or where it makes you pissed off. Weather it is the oppoints pissing you off, or your team losing I got it.

1. take breaths 

If you have just given up a goal and are mad  just get on the bench shut up and take 3 deep breaths. And if your about to got punch someone who touched your goalie take a second and say is it worth it?


2. Just beat it

if the other team is trying to get into you ignore and get them back.


3. Have that make you mad you off

If you are mad and you want it put your maddness into your performance.

get pissed off and go get a goal, you can do anything when you have that feeling.


Trigger 7 stick review.

The ccm Ribcore trigger 7 is a nice stick. The kick point on it is a quick release meaning on the p29 which is the crosby it gives you a quick snap shot. The slap shot on the stick is on average nothing so so special.

The passing and puck control is a 10 just like Crosby's stick it gives you an ability to make amazing passes         overall it is a cool stick, even the design is cool and you probably already saw, s enjoy.​


a simple hockey breakout

The point of a breakout in hockey is to get out of your zone. This can be done different ways but the most simple way is displayed by this message. Another breakout is called a wall. The D gets the puck and walls it so the center to go get it and the center breaks it out. There is a power play breakout which we will do here soon. ​


The Umbrella Power play set up.

The Power play Umbrella is basicly for the high forward or defenseman to get in the position to take a 1 T. it starts as your normal powerplay overload with a transition the puts F1 and the center in front of the net for a tip or rebound. The F3 goes up with the D and and loads up to take a one T. This can be done in many different ways.

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