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Best sticks on the market right now

Sticks are just getting crazier and crazier, but since 2023 is in the books, we thought we'd talk about the best sticks right now and last year. Last year was a crazy year in sticks, but this year the Trigger 9, the FT7 pro, maybe a Proto R 2, and Agent 2, and of course the New Nexus and Hyperlyte.

CCM's sticks

I am a huge fan of the Ribor series, but they are not making any new skates for Ribcore, which is sad, but makes me excited to use the new Jetspeed skates that are supposed to be better. Talking about sticks, their 3 best sticks in my opinion are the Ribcore trigger 7 and 8, and of course the beloved FT6 pro. CCM announced that the trigger 8 had a quicker release than the trigger 7, when both sticks are a low kick point, meaning that they have a quick release. The Ribcores also are CCM's lightest stick, and also have a dent in the middle that is thinner than the other parts. If you were shocked the Super Tacks were not on here, I have a reason. They just aren't what people are buying, yet they are kind of the same thing as the Jetspeed, the Jetspeed just has the upper hand. If I was CCM I would make a high kick point stick for people who don't need to take quick shots, but rather rip hard shots from the point, like the Bauer supreme.

Bauer sticks

Oh man, here we go again. Bauer always releases some crazy sticks every year, and it might take a while to talk about all of them. First off, let's start out with the oldest 2023 stick that was kind of released in 2022, the Nexus Sync. One thing I have noticed with these sticks is that they are skinnier at the top then the bottom. The bottom third is a chunky shaft, which may give players a harder shot at times. This stick is a mid kick point stick, and is good for players who want good hands. Now I don't really want to talk about the agent because A, it was mostly a 2022 stick, and B, there are other Bauer sticks that have taken over. Let's move to the Bauer Hyperlite 2. The Hyperlite 2 was the 2nd best seller stick this whole year. It was so big, Bauer held a festival for it. Well anyways, it's a good stick for puck protection and ripping quick shots. It has a low kick point, which like I've mentioned is a quicker release just like the FT6. This is probably my favorite bauer stick.

Now time for the best stick and nastiest stick for most people in 2023. The Bauer Proto-R. Bauer's newest release that certain people are saying is unfair to use, because of the sick handles, the weight, and the insane shot. The moment this thing came out, kids were buying it like crazy. The one thing that kids are doing that I hate, is they are making the Proto-R a custom stick, and making it all white which is disgusting with the white tape.

True hockey sticks

Many groups like True and STX make hockey sticks and larcosse sticks. True normally has one big stick each year. These sticks are meant for players who are skilled a passing and like to take clap bombs.

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