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Breaking down the top 5 players in the league right now

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

We are going to start ranking players from 1-5 based on a lot of things but before we get started we figured we would say just comment down below who you think the top 3 players in the league are, we would like to know.

1. Connor McDavid

Connor McDavid has been the best player in the league for almost a year. As I have written Connor McDavaid is not just a goal machine. What makes him the best player in the league is the way he moves his feet and skates, his work ethic is just insane.

We literally had to put him first just because all he has done in the past years. If you check it will say he is leading in all those areas of points. Does that matter? Well a little bit it isn't the main reason we picked him but it is a reason. Never let the points trick you

into thinking that player is the best.

2. Alex Ovechkin

Since because he scored more than 800 goals and is working up to Gretzky's record

we had to put him at #2. For the number of goals he has scored he is the best in the league but he hasn't scored as many goals as McDavid has this season. Alex Ovechkin's shot isn't just the only thing that describes him, he also has really good hockey senses. He knows where to be and is there to make that pass or be in the right area. " After scoring a lot from the left circle it kind of just became my thing. So eventually I would sit there on the power play and wait for someone to fire me a pass.

And that right there is how he scores more than half of his goals. Crazy right?

But maybe in like 3 years this guy could really really be on track to catch or beat Gretzky's record. Comment down below if you think he can do it.

3. Leon Drisital

He has also been a world class player this year alongside Connor McDavid. I think Leon Drisistal is the best play maker in the league beside McDavid who is very similar in play making. If McDavid or anybody else is only open for a split second Drisital can make that pass. in his first couple of years he wasn't considered a big deal but now he is one of the best players in the world." McDavid and I I think probably have the best chemistry in the league. Whenever I see him open I fire an awesome pass and when he sees me open he does the same thing.

Edmonton Oilers might have the two most offensive players in the league as of right now.

The future hall of famers say that it will never be the same if one of us retires but that won't be for a super long time because Drisital is just getting started with what he can do.

4. Nathon Mackinnion

The stanley cup champion didn't used to be as wise as he is now. He used to be a so called

" hot head " when he first entered the league. But that all changed through the rest of his

career so far. Mackinion's relationship with Crosby really helped with his hockey talent. " I would call Crosby before every series this playoff and ask him for advice," Nathon Mackinnion said. McDavid and Mackinnion are not as similar as you think they are. Mackinnion is like a big rig that takes a little longer to get speed vs McDavid takes less time to skate but is not as fierce as Mackinnion when he gets the puck.

For Mackinnion being a leader on and off the ice is no biggy. He has really progressed since he was first in the league to now, and I think he has some of the best talent in the league in terms of leadership and handling the puck.

5. Auston Matthews

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