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Dallas might have played their worst game in the playoffs

The last game wasn't just a terrible game for the Stars, it was just pathetic the way they played.

When You are down 3 at the end of the 1st period and fans start booing you 20 minutes into the game you know something is wrong.

Vegas was just on fire

Some may argue that in the first place Vegas should have beaten them, and first off Vegas played

excellent and controlled the game since the first 5 minutes of the game. If anybody deserves their first cup after 6 years of trying hard, it is Vegas. " It's crazy, last year we don't make the playoffs, and this year we are in the Stanley Cup and have a great chance to win it.'' Jack Eichel. It's crazy how this team was established in 2017 and in their first playoff they go to the cup, and in 2 years are in the semi final, and then again in 2023 they are in the cup. In just a span of 6 years they seemingly managed to go to the cup 2 times, and the semi finals 3 times already. This franchise has a very bright future.

What do you do now?

For the Stars, after you had a great season with being one of the top teams to look at in the league, and having a solid playoff until now, how do you manage your team. Well, it's very rare to see almost any playoff game with a team getting beat 4-0 or 6-0, if you asked fans they would probably be pissed about this right now, but if you asked their staff they might have some hot seat ideas in plan. The GM is on the line just a bit, but I don't know really if their coach needs to be fired. But yes, the question we all have in mind, Dallas what happened?

What can they look forward to?

If they make some changes, ( maybe trades) and completely wipe this from their memory, I think they are all due for another good season, but in reality this one stings. Dallas, can't really do much besides messing around with the staff, which could help or not. The draft I guess is something they could look forward to, to see if they can get some youngsters and their team, but let's just put a wrap to this and say Dallas had one of their

worst games.

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