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Everything hockey's top players ever

We started to do ratings on pretty much everything in the NHL but now we are going to focus on the top players ever to play in the big league. 1. Wayne Gretzky.

It is pretty obvious who is the best this guy had an incredible sense for hockey and had amazing efforts in the NHL.

2. We picked Mario Lemieux for #2 because we thought at that time those were pretty much the top player's ever. Most people would argue but we picked all of these players for a reason and I remember Mario getting slashed by the NY Ranger's player draves which really impacted the Pittsburgh Penguins. But he recovered and won a cup for Pittsburgh.

3. Gordie Howe. It was a tight pick between him and Bobby Orr. But the main reason we picked Howe was because of his toughness and love for the game to play almost 30 years in the NHL and WHA. Gordie Howe was like the player you don't want to mess with when he played with Detroit, in fact if you tried to mess with Gordie Howe he would go right back to you and whisper in a deep dark voice,'' I'm gonna get you,'' which would give nightmares to the other team.

Not only was he tough he was also a really strong player on the puck with a good shot and a good motivation to score goals.

4. Bobby Bobby Orr.

Yes we did kinda say he was next last paragraph but him and Gordie Howe came down to a big choice. I think Bobby was a really smart and young player who deserves a lot more than he did. Yes people remember him because of the flying OT goal he scored but I think he was a smart playmaker who yes deserves to be on this blog.

5. Slam

ing Borje

The reason he passed away isn't why he is on here it is because he was one of the best players for the leaves ever and the best rookie. We remember him in a way that wishes he was still playing.

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