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The Vancouver Canucks need help

Ever since about November the Vancouver Canucks have been a huge all around mess. With their coach getting fired this winter things really got crazy and we are about to talk

big about that.

Messed up fan base

When the Canucks fired their head coach in the middle of the year that messed up the fan base and I mean they did not like it, in fact they were chanting their coaches name during their new coach's debut which was probably putting tons of pressure on him. We talked to a few fans from Vancouver and what they said was almost like they hated the Canucks. Pierre smith said,'' This team has been messed up for almost the whole year with teammates getting in to fights and the coach getting fired, i'm done with this season so if we could just get a solid draft pick. Oliver Desimone said," I don't have that big of a problem with the new coach but what I do is about the fights this team has been getting into with one another I mean fighting with your teammates does nothing especially at this level which is honestly pathetic. With a thrown jersey on the ice things got a bit too far but

you heard it from this fan base so now you know their POV.

Roster help

Their roster needs some new players, even though they had traded Bo Horvat I think they need to go into rebuild mode. And the rumor is that their old coach would have made a bigger adjustment but now they have a totally new coach which could be good but all the fans say no. Again the lack of players they have is probably the reason why some fans hate the team but they need to get rid of some old players to get draft picks and who knows where they are in the rankings so maybe they could also be on for the chase to get Bedard,

and in fact Bedard would be more than happy to play with his hometown team.

If the Canucks adjust to somethings and the fan base adjust to the coach everything might just be fine but for now the car is on a bumpy road right now you have no idea where it is going. But all we can say is that they have some definite choices to make.

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